How do you store results of an analysis?

When you have different parameters that are varying, when you compare many methods and when you want to keep all the results of an analysis, your code can become quite complex.

In this tutorial, we make a comparison of machine learning methods for predicting disease based on small SNP data. We show how to use the tidyverse set of packages to make the analysis easier by using consistent data structures and functional programming. We use tibbles with list-columns.

A simulation made easy


Let’s use some data from Gad Abraham’s GitHub repository which have been filtered and quality-controled.

## -- Attaching packages ----------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.1.0     v purrr   0.2.5
## v tibble  2.0.1     v dplyr   0.7.8
## v tidyr   0.8.1     v stringr 1.3.1
## v readr   1.3.1     v forcats 0.3.0
## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## -- Conflicts -------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
tmpfile <- tempfile()
base <- paste0(
exts <- c(".bed", ".bim", ".fam")
walk2(paste0(base, exts), paste0(tmpfile, exts), ~download.file(.x, .y))
## Loading required package: bigstatsr
rdsfile <- snp_readBed(paste0(tmpfile, ".bed"))
## Warning in snp_readBed(paste0(tmpfile, ".bed")): EOF of bedfile has not been reached.
bigsnp <- snp_attach(rdsfile)
G <- bigsnp$genotypes
G[which([]))] <- 0  # quick and dirty imputation
obj.svd <- snp_autoSVD(G, bigsnp$map$chromosome, bigsnp$map$physical.pos, ncores = 2)
## Phase of clumping (on MAF) at r^2 > 0.2.. keep 14024 SNPs.
## Iteration 1:
## Computing SVD..
## 0 outlier detected..
## Converged!
# Matrix of genotypes and first 10 PCs
X <- cbind(G[], obj.svd$u)

Methods’ functions

Each method’s function returns a tibble (data frame) with 4 columns:

  1. the name of the method,
  2. the predictive scores and true phenotypes for the test set, as a list-column,
  3. the timing of the main computations (in seconds),
  4. the number of SNPs used for the prediction.
logit <- function(X, y, ind.train, ind.test) {
  timing <- system.time({
    train <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X[ind.train, ], y[ind.train], type.measure = "auc", 
                               family = "binomial", alpha = 0.5)
    preds <- predict(train, X[ind.test, ])
    method = "logit",
    eval = list(cbind(preds, y[ind.test])),
    timing = timing,
    nb.preds = sum( != 0)
svm <- function(X, y, ind.train, ind.test) {
  timing <- system.time({
    train <- LiblineaR::LiblineaR(X[ind.train, ], y[ind.train], type = 5)
    preds <- predict(train, X[ind.test, ], decisionValues = TRUE)
    method = "svm",
    eval = list(cbind(1 - preds$decisionValues[, 1], y[ind.test])),
    timing = timing,
    nb.preds = sum(train$W != 0)
xgb <- function(X, y, ind.train, ind.test) {
  timing <- system.time({
    train <- xgboost::xgboost(data = X[ind.train, ], label = y[ind.train],
                              nrounds = 10, max_depth = 3, eta = 1,
                              objective = "binary:logistic", 
                              verbose = FALSE, save_period = NULL)
    preds <- predict(train, X[ind.test, ])
    method = "xgb",
    eval = list(cbind(preds, y[ind.test])),
    timing = timing,
    nb.preds = nrow(xgboost::xgb.importance(model = train))

Simulation of phenotypes

get_pheno <- function(
  G,                                        ## matrix of genotypes
  h2,                                       ## heritability 
  M,                                        ## nbs of causal variants
  effects.dist = c("gaussian", "laplace"),  ## distribution of effects 
  K = 0.3                                   ## prevalence
) {
  effects.dist  <- match.arg(effects.dist)
  set <- sample(ncol(G), size = M)
  effects <- `if`(effects.dist == "gaussian", 
                  rnorm(M, sd = sqrt(h2 / M)),
                  rmutil::rlaplace(M, s = sqrt(h2 / (2*M))))
  y.simu <- scale(G[, set]) %*% effects
  y.simu <- y.simu / sd(y.simu) * sqrt(h2)
  stopifnot(all.equal(drop(var(y.simu)), h2))
  y.simu <- y.simu + rnorm(nrow(G), sd = sqrt(1 - h2))
  # Liability Threshold Model (LTM)
  pheno <- as.numeric(y.simu > qnorm(1 - K))


First, we use expand.grid() to create a data frame with all possible combination of parameters we compare.

results <- expand.grid(
  M        = c(30, 3000), 
  dist     = c("gaussian", "laplace"), 
  num.simu = 1:10,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
## # A tibble: 40 x 3
##        M dist     num.simu
##    <dbl> <chr>       <int>
##  1    30 gaussian        1
##  2  3000 gaussian        1
##  3    30 laplace         1
##  4  3000 laplace         1
##  5    30 gaussian        2
##  6  3000 gaussian        2
##  7    30 laplace         2
##  8  3000 laplace         2
##  9    30 gaussian        3
## 10  3000 gaussian        3
## # ... with 30 more rows

Then, we use package {purrr} to add a new column to the data frame with all the results. The main condition for a data frame is that each column has the same number of elements. So, by using lists, we can basically store any types of data in a data frame. For example, in column "eval" we store matrices, this is called a list-column. In the newly-created column "res", we store data frames! We use tibbles instead of standard data frames because they print better.

results[["res"]] <- pmap(results, function(M, dist, num.simu) {
  y <- get_pheno(X, 0.8, M, dist)
  n <- nrow(X)
  ind.train <- sort(sample(n, size = 500))
  ind.test <- setdiff(1:n, ind.train)
    logit(X, y, ind.train, ind.test),
    svm(X, y, ind.train, ind.test),
    xgb(X, y, ind.train, ind.test)
## ........................................
## # A tibble: 40 x 4
##        M dist     num.simu res             
##    <dbl> <chr>       <int> <list>          
##  1    30 gaussian        1 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  2  3000 gaussian        1 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  3    30 laplace         1 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  4  3000 laplace         1 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  5    30 gaussian        2 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  6  3000 gaussian        2 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  7    30 laplace         2 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  8  3000 laplace         2 <tibble [3 x 4]>
##  9    30 gaussian        3 <tibble [3 x 4]>
## 10  3000 gaussian        3 <tibble [3 x 4]>
## # ... with 30 more rows


First, we use function unnest() of package {tidyr} so that we have a tidier data frame. To learn more about tidy data, please refer to this vignette and this book chapter.

(results <- unnest(results, res))
## # A tibble: 120 x 7
##        M dist     num.simu method eval            timing nb.preds
##    <dbl> <chr>       <int> <chr>  <list>           <dbl>    <int>
##  1    30 gaussian        1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  11.3       105
##  2    30 gaussian        1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.30      834
##  3    30 gaussian        1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   2.01       67
##  4  3000 gaussian        1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  12.1         1
##  5  3000 gaussian        1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.31      981
##  6  3000 gaussian        1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.82       67
##  7    30 laplace         1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  10.6         9
##  8    30 laplace         1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.30      862
##  9    30 laplace         1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.81       64
## 10  3000 laplace         1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  11.7        61
## # ... with 110 more rows

To compute the AUC (a measure of prediction accuracy), we use {purrr} again and specify the type of the output we want (_dbl for doubles). Here, we could use function mutate() of package {dplyr} instead of standard accessor [[.

results[["AUC"]] <- map_dbl(results[["eval"]], ~ bigstatsr::AUC(.x[, 1], .x[, 2]))
## # A tibble: 120 x 8
##        M dist     num.simu method eval            timing nb.preds   AUC
##    <dbl> <chr>       <int> <chr>  <list>           <dbl>    <int> <dbl>
##  1    30 gaussian        1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  11.3       105 0.807
##  2    30 gaussian        1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.30      834 0.671
##  3    30 gaussian        1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   2.01       67 0.568
##  4  3000 gaussian        1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  12.1         1 0.5  
##  5  3000 gaussian        1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.31      981 0.449
##  6  3000 gaussian        1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.82       67 0.467
##  7    30 laplace         1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  10.6         9 0.833
##  8    30 laplace         1 svm    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.30      862 0.731
##  9    30 laplace         1 xgb    <dbl [592 x 2]>   1.81       64 0.662
## 10  3000 laplace         1 logit  <dbl [592 x 2]>  11.7        61 0.553
## # ... with 110 more rows

Now, let’s get some summaries of the results with package dplyr.

results %>%
  group_by(M, dist, method) %>%
  summarise_at(c("timing", "nb.preds", "AUC"), mean)
## # A tibble: 12 x 6
## # Groups:   M, dist [?]
##        M dist     method timing nb.preds   AUC
##    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
##  1    30 gaussian logit   10.4      33.8 0.800
##  2    30 gaussian svm      1.22    860   0.532
##  3    30 gaussian xgb      1.84     65.4 0.647
##  4    30 laplace  logit   10.3       9.2 0.832
##  5    30 laplace  svm      1.21    889.  0.621
##  6    30 laplace  xgb      1.81     63.6 0.674
##  7  3000 gaussian logit   11.2      71   0.546
##  8  3000 gaussian svm      1.20    968.  0.491
##  9  3000 gaussian xgb      1.81     67.3 0.511
## 10  3000 laplace  logit   11.2      80.7 0.548
## 11  3000 laplace  svm      1.23    940.  0.518
## 12  3000 laplace  xgb      1.81     67.8 0.523

Visualise results

Finally, let’s use package {ggplot2}, also part of the tidyverse, to visualize results.

# Wrapper to use my own theme
myggplot <- function(...) ggplot(...) + bigstatsr::theme_bigstatsr()
myggplot(results) + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(method, timing)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 20, 2)) +
  facet_grid(M ~ dist) +

myggplot(results) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, color = "red", linetype = 2) + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(method, AUC)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:10 / 10) +
  facet_grid(M ~ dist) +
  ggtitle("Predictive performance")


The main point of using tibbles to store results is that you have the inputs, raw outputs and transformed outputs in the same data structure. Moreover, this data structure contains information that you can easily manipulate and visualize. Finally, note that we did not use a single loop in the whole method comparison.

The tidyverse set of packages is very convenient and consistent. You can learn more by reading book R for Data Science, freely available online.